Friday 7 March 2014

Babies Wallpaper Free Download Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Babies Wallpaper Free Download Biography

in the year, and if such a parent turns child student it is hardto say what he may not do in the way of dissecting a child's mind 
openly, questioning the little one about himself, and experimenting with his thoughts and feelings. But such observing is as 
worthless  scientifically  as  it  is  bad  for  the  child:  the  whole  value  of  an  observation  is  gone  as  soon  as  the  phenomena 
observed lose simplicity and spontaneity. It should be unnecessary  to say that no competent observer tampers with the child 
in any way. If Professor Preyer, observing the baby as he firstgrasps at objects, notes down the way in which he misdirects 
his inexpert little hands; if Mrs. Barus keeps record of herboy's favorite playthings; if I sit by the window and catch with my 
pencil my niece's prattle as she plays About below —  and if these babies afterward turn out spoiled/the mischief must be 
credited to some other agency than the silent notebook. 
Even direct experimenting on a child is not so bad as it sounds. When you show a baby his father's photograph to see if he 
recognizes it, you are experimenting on him. The only difference between the child student's experimenting and that which all 
the members of the family are doing all day with the baby, is  that the student knows better what he is trying to find out, and 
that he writes it down. 
Probably women are more skillful than men in quietly following the course of the child's mind, even leading him to reveal
himself without at all meddling with him or marring his simplicity. It has been so in a marked degree in the cases I have seen. 
But no one who has good judgment will allow himself to spoil both the child and his own observation; and any one who has 
not good judgment will find plenty of ways to spoil a child more potent than observing him. 
" its first act is a cry, not of wrath, as Kant said, nora shout of joy, as Schwartz thought, but a snuffling, and then long, thin, 
tearless as with the timbre of a Scotch bagpipe, purely automatic, but of discomfort. With this monotonous and dismal cry, 
with its red, shriveled, parboiled skin (for the child commonly loses weight the first few days), squinting, cross-eyed, potbellied, and bow-legged, it is not strange that, if the mother has not followed Froebel's exhortations and come to love her 
child before birth, there is a brief interval occasionally dangerousto the child before the maternal instinct is fully aroused." 
It cannot be denied that this unflattering description is fair enough, and our baby was no handsomer than the rest of her kind. 

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