Friday 7 March 2014

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Download Babies Wallpapers Biography

lesson of common observation) that while an organism is thus immature and plastic, it many learn, it by change, it may rise to 
higher development; and thus to infancy we owe the rank of the human race. 
The one instinct the human baby always brings into the world already developed is half a mere reflex act —  that of sucking. 
It is started as a reflex would be, by the touch of some object, pencil, finger, or nipple, it may be, between the lips; but it does 
not act like a reflex after that. It continues and ceases without reference to this external stimulus, and a little later often begins 
without it, or fails to begin when the stimulus is given. If it has originally a reflex character, that character fades  out, and 
leaves it a pure instinct. 
These  two  types  of  automatic movement  (for  instinct,  however complicated  later  with volition,  gives  rise in  these earliest 
days to none but automatic movement) are both " purposive," though not purposed — that is, they are actions that are plainly 
adapted  to  some  end  by  ancestral  intelligence  or  by  natural  selection.  But  there  was  another  type  of  movements  more 
conspicuous in our baby than either, and apparently quite non-purposive. From the first day she moved slightly, but almost 
constantly, the legs drawing up, the arms stirring, the eyes and head rolling a little. Sometimes the features were distorted 
with  vague  and meaningless grimaces. Most other  observers  report these  movements,  and  inexperienced ones  say  that  the 
baby "felt with his hands about his face," or " tried to get  his hands to his head." Any mother may convince herself that the 
baby has no will in the matter by watching till he really does begin to try, weeks later, to turn his head, put his hands to  his 
mouth, kick up his legs: the difference in the whole manner of the action is evident. 
An odd explanation has been offered for these movements by Dr. Mumford, an English physiologist. He holds that they have 
a  singular  resemblance  to  those  of  swimming  amphibians;  that their  prototype  may  be  seen  in  any  aquarium;  they  are,  in 
short, survivals of the period long before the apelike stage, long before any mammalian stage, when our ancestors had not yet 
abandoned life in the waters. 
Now, although it is quite true that biologists believe that if our ancestry as traced far enough, it does lead back to the water, it 
seems hardly possible that in a human baby, whose structure  passed the amphibian stage long before birth, the most frequent 
movements should hark back to that tremendous antiquity. It is more likely that Preyer's explanation is the correct one: viz., 
that the movements are simply due to the rapid growth of nerve centers, which causes an overflow of nervous force to the 
muscles and makes them contract at haphazard. A certain regularity is given to these chance movements by the tendency of 
nerve impulse to flow in the same paths where it has flowed  before, rather than in new ones, so that the muscles are drawn 
toward the position they occupied before birth. This brings thehands constantly up about the head —  a fact that later has 
important result in development. 
These  aimless  movements  are  called  "  impulsive  "  by  Preyer.  I  have  followed  Bain  and  Mrs.  Moore  in  calling  them 
"spontaneous."  There  were  no  movements  beyond  these  three  types,  and  therefore  none  that  showed  the  least  volition. 
Mothers often think the crying shows wish, will, or understanding of some sort. But Preyer tells us that babies born without a 
brain cry in just the same manner. 
Mothers do not like to think that the baby is at first an automaton; and they would be quite right in objecting if that 
meant that he was a mere machine. He is an automaton in the  sense that he has practically neither thought, wish, nor 
will; but he is a living, conscious automaton, and that makes all  the difference in the world. And it would be a bold 
psychologist  who  should  try  to  say  what  germ  of  thought  and  will lies  enfolded  in  his  helplessness.  Certainly,  the 
capacity of developing will is there, and an automaton withsuch a capacity is a more wonderful creature than the wise, 
thinking, willing baby of nursery tradition would be. 
If mothers would only reflect how little developed a baby's mind is at a year old, after all the progress of twelve months, they 
would see that they rate the mental starting point altogether too high. And they miss thus the whole drama of the swiftand 
lovely unfolding of the soul from its invisible germ —  a drama that sometimes fairly catches one's breath in the  throat with 
excitement and wonder. 
I have said that the baby began the world as an automaton, but aconscious, feeling automaton. And what, then, were these 
feelings and this consciousness? What was the outfit for beginning the world that the little mind brought with it? When I 
asked such questions I was skirting the edge of one of the  great battlegrounds of philosophy. Whether all human ideas are 
made  up  solely  from  one's  own  experience  of  the  outer  world  as  given  him  by  his  senses,  or  whether  there  are,  on  the 
contrary, inborn ideas, implanted directly by nature or God, — this is a question on which volumes have been written. 
Did the baby start out ready equipped with ideas of space, personal identity, time, causation, such as we find so ineradicable 
in our own minds? That is, did she see objects about her, located in space, nearer and farther, right and left, and all outside 
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