Saturday 8 March 2014

Babys Wallpapers Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Babys Wallpapers Biography

Mrs. Shinn (for this is how women scholars were addressed inthe nineteenth century) made her observationThis  remarkable  little  book  contains  some  of  the  most  sensitive  observations  of  a  baby's  first  year  that  I  have  ever  read. 
Toward the end of the story we see Ruth, then a year old, playing with her aunt, the observer. Auntie asks, "Where are my 
s throughout her 
cherished  niece's  first  year,  documenting  each  new  behavior  in  great,  glowing  detail.  In  her  exuberant,  warm-hearted 
descriptions one can see the emergence of affective, motor, and cognitive learning. Few observers are able to catch all three 
of  these  levels.  Description  of  a  single  child  was  the  method  of  study  in  that  era  and  reminds  me  of  the  same  detailed 
observations later made 
so famous by Jean Piaget. 
For me, her only failing was her unwillingness to attribute experience to the newborn baby. She talks as if the newborn were 
an  empty  vessel,  "gathering  experiences."  She  describes  the  first  two  months  as  a  "life  of  vegetation."  Because  her  other 
observations  are  so  keen,  so  insightful,  it  amazes  me  that  she  didn't  see  Ruth  register  recognition  of  visual  and  auditory 
experiences even at birth. Also, Ruth's awareness of having achieved a complex motor act—that is, combining four reflex 
behaviors (the tonic neck reflex, hand to mouth, rooting, and finally sucking on her fist) into a method for keeping herself 
under control—seems not to have been noted by this otherwise highly sensitive observer. For me, the early recognition by 
babies of their own ability to take in important information, or to move in a way that brings self-control, is a template for their 
later recognition that they can act upon their new world. Thisrecognition then fuels them to acquire more and more important 
experiences. The well-equipped motor and sensory programs in newborn babies help them learn important things about their 
world—important to them and in setting up the patterns they will need to capture the adults around them. 
In Mrs. Shinn's book, the baby's competence does not begin to surface until two months. Why was it necessary for her to 
think if the newborn Ruth as a recipient only? It is interesting that we now "need" to think of the baby as competent fromthe 
first—as if it were an attempt to get away from blaming the mother, who for so long was held responsible for any "failure" on
the  part  of  the  baby—such  as  autism,  a  learning  disability,  mental  retardation,  or  a  behavior  problem.  All  of  these  were 
blamed  on  the  environment.  Now  we  have  developed  a  much  more  interactional  approach—the  baby's  own  qualities  and 
reactions interact with those of the environment in order to  produce the outcome. This approach makes us less judgmental 
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