Friday 7 March 2014

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Free Baby Wallpaper Biography

hereditary activity far more than the sudden reflexes do. Itdoes not work quite smoothly at first, however: the establishment 
of breathing, for instance, is irregular, and often difficult. Even the sudden reflexes are slower and less perfect than with older 
There  is  another  class  of  movements,  often  confused  with  the  reflex  —  that  is,  instinctive  movements.  Real  grasping  (as 
distinguished from reflex grasping), biting, standing, walking, are examples of this class. They are race movements, the habits 
of the species to which the animal belongs, and every normal member of the species is bound to come to them; yet they are
not so fixed in the bodily mechanism as the reflex movements. The stimulus to them seems to come more from within than 
from without —  yet not from reason and will, but from some blind impulse. This impulse is usually imperfect, and the child 
has to work his own way to the mastery of the movements. Yetthough certain reflex activities are inherited in a morehighly 
developed condition than any human instincts, the instincts areat bottom always hereditary, which is not the case with the 
reflexes—any one may teach his muscles new reflex movements, unknown to his ancestors. A musician does it every time 
that  he  practices  new music  till  his hands  will  run  it  off  of their own accord, while  he is  thinking  of  something  else. But
instinct  cannot  be  thus  acquired.  The  amazing  instincts  of  the lower  animals;  the  imperfect  and  broken  condition  of  the 
instincts in man, yet the deep hold that they have on him; the mingling of inherited necessity and individual freedom in the 
way in which they are worked out; the mystery of the physiological method by which they act (while that of reflex movement 
is fairly well understood, up to a certain point); the light  they seem always about to shed for the biologist on the profoundest 
problems of heredity, and for the philosopher on those of free will and personality, —  these things make instinct one of the 
great fields of present research, and I must not venture into it, though it is of importance in trying to understand a baby. 
I shall say only that while instinct does not appear in the lowest animals (whose action is all of the reflex type), and is for a 
time a sign of rising rank in the scale of life, it reaches its culmination with the insects, and as we approach man  it is the 
breaking up of the instincts that is in its turn a sign of advancement to higher life. The little chicken runs about as soon as it is 
out of its shell, and even the monkey baby is able to take care ofitself in a few months. Nothing is so helpless as the human 
baby, and in that helplessness is our glory, for it means thatthe activities of the race (as John Fiske has so clearly shown) 
have become too many, too complex, too infrequently repeated, to become fixed in the nervous structure before birth; hence 
the long period after birth before the child comes to full humanpowers, It is a maxim of biology (as well as the frequent 
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