Friday 7 March 2014

Baby Wallpapers Download Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Baby Wallpapers Download Biography

.  In  the  interval  before  they  were 
published two or three small records had been published in Germany, andat least one paper, that of M. Taine, in France. 
In 1881, the first edition of Professor Preyer's " model record " waspublished, and before his death, in 1897, it had reached its 
third edition in Germany, and had been widely circulated in America in Mr. Brown's excellent translation, "The Sensesand 
the Will," and " The Development of the Intellect." It did more to stimulate and direct the study of infancy than any other
publication.  It  has,  however,  the  limitations  that  were  to  be  expected  from  Professor  Preyer's  special  training  as  a 
physiologist,  and  is  meager  on  the  side  of  mental,  moral, and  emotional  development.  Professor  Sully's  "  Extracts  from a 
Father's Diary," published in part in 1881 and 1884 and fully in 1896, is richer on these sides, and also more readable. 
Within  the  present  decade,  it  is  worth  observing,  the  principal  records  have  been  ten  by  women.  Outside  of  America,  only  men,  usually  university  professors,  have  made  extended  records.  Professor 
Preyer and Professor Sully have both appealed in vain to their countrywomen to keep such records, holding up American 
women for emulation. My " Notes on the Development of a Child "were published in 1893 and 1899. In 1896 appeared Mrs. 
Hall's " The First 500 Days of a Child's Life," a brief record, and confined to a short period, but a very good one, and perhaps 
the best for use as a guide by any one who wishes to keep a record and finds Preyer too technical. Mrs. Moore's " Mental 
Development of a Child " is quite as much a psychological study as a record, but is based on full biographical notes; it will be 
more used by students than general readers. Mrs. Hogan's " A Study of a Child," 1898, is less scholarly than the others, out
has a great deal of useful material; it does not begin at birth, however, but with the fourteenth month. 
Perhaps I should say a word here as to the way in which I came to make a baby biography, for I am often asked how one 
should  go  to  work  at  it.  It  was  not  done  in  my  case  for  any scientific  purpose,  for  I  did  not  feel  competent  to  make 
observations of scientific value, Cut I had for years desired  an opportunity to see the wonderful unfolding of human powers 
out of the limp helplessness of the new-born baby; to watch this fascinating drama of evolution daily, minutely, and with an 
effort to understand it as far as I could, for my own pleasure and information. I scarcely know whence the suggestion had 
come; probably almost by inheritance, for my mother and grandmother had both been in somewhat notable degree observers 
of the development of babies' minds. But, unlike them, I had the  notebook habit from college and editorial days, and jotted 
things down as I watched, till quite unexpectedly I found myself in possession of a large mass of data. 
A few days after my own notes began I obtained Professor  Preyer's record, and without it I should have found the earliest 
weeks quite unintelligible. For some months my notes were largely memoranda of the likenesses and differences between my
niece's development and that of Preyer's boy, and I still think  this is the best way for a new observer to get started. Astime 
went on, I departed more and more from the lines of Preyer'sobservations, and after the first year was little influenced by 
them. Later, I devoted a good deal of study to the notes, and tried to analyzetheir scientific results. 
There is one question that I have been asked a hundred times about baby biography: " Doesn't it do the children some harm? 
Doesn't it make them nervous? Doesn't it make them self-conscious? " At first this seemed to me an odd misapprehension —
as  if  people  supposed  observing  children  meant  doing  something  to them.  But  I  have  no  doubt  it  could  be  so  foolishly 
managed as to harm the child. There are thousands of parentswho tell anecdotes about children before their faces every day 
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