Saturday 8 March 2014

Cute Babies Wallpapers Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Cute Babies Wallpapers Biography
biographical one — that of watching one baby's development, day by day, and recording it.
I am often asked if the results one gets in this way are  not misleading since each child might differ greatly fromothers. One
must, of course, use great caution in drawing general conclusions from a single child, but in many things all babies are alike,
and one learns to perceive pretty well which are the things. Babyhood is mainly taken up with the development of the large,
general racial powers; individual differences are less important than in later childhood. And the biographical method of child
study has the inestimable advantage of showing the process ofevolution going on, the actual unfolding of one stage out of
another, id the steps by which the changes come about. No amount of comparative statistics could give this. If I should find
out that a thousand babies learned to stand at an average age of forty-six weeks and two days, I should not know as much that
is  important  about  standing,  an  a  stage  in  human  progress,  as  I  should  after  watching  a  single  baby  carefully  through  the
whole process of achieving balance on his little soles.
Yet there are not many baby biographies in existence. There are scarcely half a dozen records that are full and consecutive
enough to be at all entitled to the name, and even of more fragmentary ones the number in print as separate essays is scarcely
larger. A good many more, however, have been available in manuscript to students, and many mothers no doubt keep such
little notebooks. These notes are often highly exact and intelligent, as far as they go (I have found this especially true ofthe
notebooks  of  members  of  the  Association  of  Collegiate  Alumnae),  and  afford  important  corroboration's  here  and  there  to
more continuous records.
It was the Germans -who first thought baby life "worth recording, and the most complete and scientific of all the records is a
German one. The first record known was published in the last century by a Professor Tiedemann —  a mere slip of an essay,
long completely forgotten, but resuscitated about the middle of  this century, translated into French (and lately into English),
and used by all students of the subject. Some of its observation -we must, with our present knowledge, set down as erroneous;
but it is on the whole exact and valuable, and a remarkable thing for a man to have done more than a hundred years ago.
Perhaps Darwin, in 1840, was the next person to take notes of an infant's development; but they were taken only incidentally
to another study, and were not published for more than thirty years (partly in " The Expression of the Emotions in Man  and
Animals,"  1873,  partly  in  a  magazine  article  in  1877).  They  are  scanty  but  important.  In  the  interval  before  they  were
published two or three small records had been published in Germany, andat least one paper, that of M. Taine, in France.
In 1881, the first edition of Professor Preyer's " model record " waspublished, and before his death, in 1897, it had reached its
third edition in Germany, and had been widely circulated in America in Mr. Brown's excellent translation, "The Sensesand
the Will," and " The Development of the Intellect." It did more to stimulate and direct the study of infancy than any other
publication.  It  has,  however,  the  limitations  that  were  to  be  expected  from  Professor  Preyer's  special  training  as  a
physiologist,  and  is  meager  on  the  side  of  mental,  moral, and  emotional  development.  Professor  Sully's  "  Extracts  from a
Father's Diary," published in part in 1881 and 1884 and fully in 1896, is richer on these sides, and also more readable.
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