Saturday 8 March 2014

Babies Wallpaper Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Babies Wallpaper Biography

  There  must  be  also an earnest  scientific  spirit,  a loving  sympathy with  the subject of 
investigation,  yet  under  watchful  restraint,  lest  it  cloud  the  judgment;  keenness  of  intuitive  perception,  yet  soberness  of 
judgment in interpretation."
I have appropriated these words of Dr. Joseph Le Conte because the general reader is not likely to see them where they were 
originally printed, in a little university study, and it is a  pity to let the general reader miss so good an introduction  to  the 
subject. Not all learned men rate baby biography as highly as Dr. Le Conte does; but probably all biologists do, and those 
psychologists who are most strongly impressed with the evolutionaryinterpretation of life. 
It  is  easy  to  see  why  one's  views  of  evolution  affect  the  matter.  In  botany,  for  instance,  we  do  not  think  that  we  can 
understand the mature plant by studying it alone, without  knowledge  of  its germinating period. If  we omitted all  study of 
radical and plumule and cotyledon, we should not only lose an interesting chapter from the science, but also even the part we 
kept, the classification and morphology and physiology of the grown  plant itself, would be seriously misunderstood in some 
ways.  So  in  other  sciences:  it  is  necessary  to  understand  how  things  came  to  be  what  they  are,  to  study  the  process  of
becoming, so to speak, before the completed result can be understood. This is what we mean by " the genetic method " of 
studying a subject. 
Now, in proportion as one believes that the faculties of the human mind unfold by evolutionary law, like a plant from 
the germ, he will feel the need of studying these also genetically. As we find them in our grown selves, they are often 
perplexing. What seems a single complete, inborn faculty may really be made up of simpler ones, so fused together by 
long practice that they cannot be discerned. We know that this is the case with seeing. For instance, we give a glance at 
a ball, and see its form with a single act of mind. Yetthat act became possible only after long drill in putting simpler 
perceptions  together.  Many  a  test  of  form,  turning  objects  over  and  over,  passing  the  hands  round  and  round  them, 
learning the absence of corners, the equality of diameters, didwe go through in babyhood, many an inspection by eye, 
many an exercise of memory, connecting the peculiar arrangement of light and shade with the form as felt, before we 
could  "  see  "  a  ball.  Had  this  been  understood  in  Froebel's time,  it  would  have  made  a  material  difference  in  his 
suggestions  as  to  sense  training  in  earliest  infancy

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