Saturday 8 March 2014

Funny Babies Wallpapers Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Funny Babies Wallpapers Biography

 So  other  powers  that  seem  simple  and  inborn  may  perhaps  be 
detected in the act of forming themselves out of simpler ones, if we watch babies closely enough, and it may lead us to 
revise some of our theories about education. 
There  are  enthusiasts,  indeed,  who  would  have  us  believe  that  child  study  is  going  to  revolutionize  all  our  educational 
methods,  but  those  who  are  surest  of  these  wonderful  results,  and  readiest  to  tell  mothers  and  teachers  what  is  the  truly
scientific thing to do with their children, are not the ones  who have done the most serious first hand study of children. From 
indications so far, it is likely that the outcome of such study will oftener be to confirm some good old-fashioned ways of 
training (showing that they rested unconsciously on a sound psychological basis) than to discover new ways. No substitute 
has yet been found by scientific pedagogy for motherly good sense and devotion. 
Yet the direct study of child minds does bring out some new suggestions of educational value, does give a verdict sometimes 
between old conflicting theories, and always makes us understand more clearly what we are doing with children. And on the 
purely scientific side there is one aspect of especial interest in genetic studies. That is, the possible light wemay get on the 
past of the human race. 
It  has  long  been  observed  that  there  are  curious  resemblance's  between  babies  and  monkeys,  between  boys  and  barbaric 
tribes. Schoolboys administer law among themselves much as  a tribal court does; babies sit like monkeys, with the soles of 
their little feet facing each other. Such resemblance's  led, long before the age of Darwin, to the speculation that children in 
developing passed through stages similar to those the race had passed through; and the speculation has become an accepted 
doctrine since embryology has shown how each individual before birth passes in successive stages through the lower forms of 
This series of changes in one individual is called by evolutionists the Ontogenic Series; and the similar series through which 
the race has passed in the myriad's of ages of its evolution is called the Phylogenic. 
Now,  of  these  two  versions  of  the  great  world  history,  the  phylogenic  is  a  worn  and  ancient  volume,  mutilated  in  many 
places, and often illegible. The most interesting chapter of all is torn out —  that which records the passing over of man from 
brute to human, the beginning of true human reason, speech, and skill. The lowest living races are far beyond the transition 
line; the remains of the past can never tell us how it was crossed, for before man could leave anything more than bones —
any products of his art, such as weapons, or signs of fire — he had traveled a long way from his first human condition. 
But from the ontogenic record no chapter can be torn out: a fresh copy of the whole history, from alpha to omega, is written 
out every time an infant is conceived, and born, and grows to manhood. And somewhere on the way between the first cell of 
the embryo and maturity each one must repeat in his own life  that wonderful transition into, human intelligence. If we can
thoroughly decipher this ontogenic record, then, what may we not hope to learn of the road by which we human beings came?
We  must  not  forget that the  correspondence  between  these life books  is  only a  rough one.  They  are versions of  the  same 
world story, but they have traveled far from their common origin, and have become widely unlike in details. The baby has to 
take many short cuts, and condense and omit inconceivably, to get through in a few brief years a development that the race
took ages for. Even the order of development gets disarranged sometimes. For instance, primitive man probably reached a 
higher development before he could talk than babies have to now, after ages of talking ancestry: we must not look to a child 
just learning to talk, to get an idea of what the minds ofmen were like when they were just learning to talk. Again, the human 
child is carrying on under the influence of adults an evolution that primitive man worked out without help or hindrance from 
any one wiser than himself; and that makes a great difference in the way he does it. 
The moral of all this is that people should be very cautious indeed in drawing parallels between the child and therace, and 
especially in basing educational theories on them. But if one is cautious enough and patient enough, there are many hints 
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