Friday 7 March 2014

Animated Baby Wallpapers Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Animated Baby Wallpapers Biography

" its first act is a cry, not of wrath, as Kant said, nora shout of joy, as Schwartz thought, but a snuffling, and then long, thin, 
tearless as with the timbre of a Scotch bagpipe, purely automatic, but of discomfort. With this monotonous and dismal cry, 
with its red, shriveled, parboiled skin (for the child commonly loses weight the first few days), squinting, cross-eyed, potbellied, and bow-legged, it is not strange that, if the mother has not followed Froebel's exhortations and come to love her 
child before birth, there is a brief interval occasionally dangerousto the child before the maternal instinct is fully aroused." 
It cannot be denied that this unflattering description is fair enough, and our baby was no handsomer than the rest of her kind. 
The little boy uncle, who had been elated to hear that hisniece resembled him, looked shocked and mortified when he saw 
her.  Yet  she  did  not  lack  admirers.  I  have  never  noticed  that  women  (even  those  who  are  not  mothers)  mind  a  few  little 
aesthetic defects, such as these that President Hall mentions, with so many counterbalancing-  charms in the little warm, soft, 
living thing. 
Nor is it women only who find the new baby enchanting — in Germany, at least. Semmig, whose " Tagebuch eines Vaters" is 
one of the earliest attempts at a record, is delighted even with the "dismal and monotonous cry/' "Heavenly music of the first 
cry!" he exclaims, "sacred voice of life, first sound of the poem of aheart, first note of the symphony of human life, thou echo 
of God's word! What sound is like unto thee? " " Yes, it is so: the cry of the baby is music! When it is still, especially in the 
night, one is uneasy; one longs for this primitive expression ofthe little being, and is consoled, enraptured, when the helpless 
creature breaks into loud wails, and says to us: I live, give me what I need! Oh, cry of the baby in the night/ nightingale song 
for mother and father! " 
Our baby was at least a handsome one from the doctor's point of view, strong, healthy, and well formed; and this is to  be 
taken into account as a determining factor in all the record that follows. 
I thought that she must be out of the normal in the matterof legs, so oddly brief were the fat little members. Afterward I 
learned that all babies are built that way —  and indeed that they are altogether so different in structure from the grown man 
that Dr. Oppenheim, in his book on " The Development of the Child" conies near to saying that we must regard the infant as a 
different animal form from the adult, almost as the caterpillar is different from the butterfly. Common speech recognizes this 
in the case of several of the higher animals, naming the young  form as differently as if it were a different species. We say a 
colt, a calf, a puppy, a baby; not a young horse, cow, dog, or man. 
We call a baby a little copy of the man, but really if he were magnified to man's size and strength, we should regard  him at 
first glance as an idiot and monster, with enormous head and abdomen, short legs, and no neck, not to speak of the flat-nosed, 
prognathous face; and on the other hand, a baby that was really a small copy of man's body would seem positively uncanny. 
We see this in old pictures, where the artist tried to depict babies by placing small-sized men and women in the mother's 
The middle point of the baby's length falls a little above the navel, the abdomen and legs together making up a little  more 
than half the whole length; in the man the legs alone make a  trifle more than half.' In proportion to the baby's total weight, its 
brain weighs seven times as much as a grown person's, its muscles little more than half as much. 
" The two [man and baby] do not breathe alike, their pulse rates are not alike, the composition of their bodies is not alike." 
The baby's body at birth is 74.7 per cent, water, ours 58.5 per cent. It is largely due to its loose, watery structure thatthe 
baby's brain is so heavy —  which shows the folly of trying to compare mental powers by means of brain weights, as is so 
often done in discussing woman's sphere. As Donaldson says, if there were anything in that basis of comparison, the newborn 
baby  would  be  the  intellectual  master  of  us  all.  The  baby  has  bright  red  and  watery  marrow,  instead  of  the  yellow,  fatty 
substance in our bones; and its blood differs so from ours in proportion of red and white corpuscles and in chemical make-up 
as to "amount almost to a difference in kind," says Dr. Oppenheim, who adds that such a condition of marrow or blood, if 
found in a grown person, would be considered an indication of disease. 
The organs are differently placed within the body, and even differently formed. The bony structure is everywhere soft and 
unfinished, the plates of the skull imperfectly fitted together, with gaps at the corners; and it is well that they are, for if the 
brain box were closed tight the brain within could never grow. Surgeons have lately even made artificial openings where the 
skull was prematurely perfect, to save the baby from idiocy.The bony in closures of the middle ear are quite unfinished,  so 
that on the one side catarrhal inflammations from the nose and  throat travel up to the ear more readily than in later life, while 
on the other side ear inflammations are more likely to pass intothe brain. The spine is straight, like an ape's, instead of having
the double curve of humankind, which seems to be brought about by thepull of the muscles after we have come to stand 
erect.  I  have  quoted  these  details  from  Oppenheim,  and  from  Vierordt's  and  Roberts  measurements  as  given  by  the  book 
"Growth of Children in Height and Weight") Some of the figures are given otherwise by other authorities. I might fill many 
pages with similar details. Some of these differences do notdisappear till full manhood, others are gone in a few weeks after 
birth. And in them all there is so constant a repetition of lower animal forms that anatomists are brought to a confidence in the 
" recapitulation doctrine," such as they can hardly give to others by means of a few sample facts. 
The  most  curious  of  all  the  monkey  traits  shown  by  the  newborn  baby  is  the  one  investigated  by  Dr.  Louis  Robinson  (" 
Nineteenth  Century,"  November  1891).  It  was  suggested  by  "  The  Luck  of  Roaring  Camp."  The  question  was  raised  in 
conversation whether a limp and mollusks baby, unable so much asto hold up its head on its helpless little neck, could do 
anything so positive as to "rastle with " Kentuck's finger ;  and the more knowing persons present insisted that a  ----one line 
missing------------------------ a  good  firm  hand-clasp.  It  occurred  in  Dr.  Robinson  that  if  this  was  true  it  was  a  beautiful 
Darwinian point, for clinging and swinging by the arms would naturally have been a specialty with our ancestors if they ever 
lived a monkey-like life in the trees. The baby shat could cling best to itsmother as she used hands, feet, and tail to flee in the 
best times over the trees, or to get at the more inaccessible fruits and eggs in time of scarcity, would be the baby that lived to 
bequeath his traits to his descendants; so that to this day our  housed and cradled human babies would keep in their clinging 
powers a reminiscence of our wild treetop days.
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