Friday 7 March 2014

Baby Wallpapers For Desktop Wallpaper Pattern Design Border Download With Quotes Hd Free Download for Nursery for Mobile

Baby Wallpapers For Desktop Biography

Mrs.  Shinn  often  hedges  her  elegant  observations  with  such  cautions  as  "but  she  means  little  enough  by  it."  She  leads  us 
through various definitions of memory, from habit memory to truememory, and finally to intentionality. Although she does 
not attribute intentions to Ruth until the fifth month, the babymeanwhile has brought objects to her mouth for exploration, 
has looked for her mother's face after it disappears, waiting for it to reappear (at thirteen weeks), has explored objects and her 
aunt's face with both her fingers and her mouth (at four anda half months), and has even shown a "fear of the dark" and "fear 
of strangers" at four and a half months. Mrs. Shinn's powers of observation clearly triumph over her theories! One of the most 
sensitive  insights in the book is her recognition of the competition that exists between hunger and the excitement of looking 
at and feeling objects at five months. Mrs. Shinn correctly identifies the thrill that the baby feels at that age, when the burst of 
awareness about her world overwhelms her desire for food. 
By the time the baby is five months old, the author is willing to admit to "real" desire on the part of the baby, and shows how 
rapidly her interest in objects begins to unfold. When Ruth issix months old, Mrs. Shinn identifies what we now call "meansends," "object permanence/' and "imitation," and shows the baby's increasing self-awareness. Mrs. Shinn was making these 
acute  observations  and  labeling  them  long  before  Piaget  had  described  such  cognitive  processes.  Did  Piaget  read  her 
observations  and  learn  from  her  insights?  I  was  particularly  impressed  with  Mrs.  Shinn's  understanding  of  "her"  baby's 
pleasure  in  each  learning  step.  For  example,  she  describes  the  way  Ruth  drops  things  simply  to  "watch  them  fall." 
Descriptions like this make Ruth seem so alive! 
Mrs. Shinn's book is a classic of observation. Observation—that is, watching and recording—  has a long and distinguished 
history  as  a  research  instrument  In  the  natural  sciences.  And  yet  there  are  few  volumes  that  include  such  sensitivity  and 
attention to detail as does this "baby biography/' In the words  of a reviewer of the period, Mrs. Shinn had a vital asset: "the 
loving,  sympathetic  relation  with  the subject, necessary for insight and yet  not sufficient to obscure the  judgment."  It is a
pleasure to read a book first published in 1900 that has obviously led us to some of our present insights. 
Cambridge, Mass., 1985 
" IT is a well recognized fact in the history of sciencethat the very subjects which concern our dearest interests, which lie 
nearest our hearts, are exactly those which are the last to submit to scientific methods, to be reduced to scientific law. Thus it 
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